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Mathematics, 1934-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 441 to 460 of 653
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Minimally Faithful Group Actions and P-groupsElias, Benjamin
1993Methods for Factoring Polynomials with Distinct Linear Factors over Finite Integer FieldsKizer, Geoffrey
2010Maximizing Expected Logarithmic Utility in a Regime-Switching Model with Inside InformationTay, Kenneth Jingyi
2006Mathematically Thrifty Portfolio TheoryBrodie, Joshua R.
2000Mathematical Problems Related to Navier-Stokes EquationsSannikov, Yuliy Victorovich
2010Mathematical Modeling of Limits on Replication of Pseudorabies Virus Genomes by Infected CellsTherkelsen, Kate
1993Math is Tough: Developing an Intuitive Approach to CalculusHoshen, Shiri
2011Markov Switching Regines: A Computer Vision ApproachYu, Norman
2006A Novel Method for Testing Missing Value Estimation Accuracy on Microarray Data SetsMorales, Shannon
2012A Note on Riemann Surfaces of Large SystoleMakisumi, Shotaro
2001Malliavin Calculus Applied to FinanceHanson, Alec
2004Lower Bounds on Embeddings of Planar Graphs into the l1 MetricBhargava, Rahul
2011Lower Bounds and Frameworks in Dynamic OptimalityKim, Hong Kyun
2004A New Proof of the Conservativeness of Internal Set TheoryBlatz, John
2011Lottery Tanking And How To Stop It A Study of Incentives in the NBA DraftGavin, Byrnes
2002A New Optimization Method for Factoring Large IntegersGreenstein, Jeffrey Daniel
2010Local Existence of the Einstein EquationsChin, Alan Yui-Hin
2012Linear Decoding of Retina Ganglion CellsWang, Harold
2001Learning String Transformations Using NMF TechniquesKontorovich, Leonid
2008Laumon Quasiflag Spaces and Many-Body SystemsNegut, Andrei
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 441 to 460 of 653