Mathematics, 1934-2020
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 461 to 480 of 653
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2008 | Lattice Symmetries of Indefinite Ternary Quadratic Forms | Blumberg, Seth |
2008 | Labor Mobility in Professional Soccer | Ugwi, Gregory |
2004 | Kuzmin's Extraordinary Zero Measure Set | Michelini, Matthew |
2009 | Kripke Models for Proof-Carrying Authentication | Fischgrund, Sam |
2003 | Kloosterman Sums and the Number Variance of the Spectra of Hyperbolic Modular Surfaces | Butt, Salman |
2012 | Khovanov Homology and the Jones Polynomial | Samorajski, Jonathan |
2003 | A Modified Smoothing Lemma for Cm Interpolation | David, Guy |
1994 | Isoperimetric Inequalities for Finitely Presented Groups | Wall, Jeffrey D. |
1994 | Isomorphic Graphs and the Componentwise Product | Minsky, Yaron |
1994 | Investigations of Diophantine Equations | Carroll, Karen R.T. |
2012 | Investigations into Two Classical Theorems of Number Theory | Mody, Krishnan |
1994 | Investigations into the Character of Cubic Bipartite Graphs | Berube, Susan R. |
2011 | Investigations in Online Reputation Systems | Toshev, Peter |
2004 | A Mathematical Perspective on Relative Genetic Fitness at it Relates to Sickle Cell Anemia [Thesis Not Received] | Boyd, Gloria |
2011 | Invariant Generators of the Symmetry Groups of Regular ษณ-gons and Platonic Solids | Goller, Thomas |
2007 | Integral Points on Spheres: A Dynamical Approach | Speh, Peter |
2009 | Integral Apollonian Circle Packings: A Prime Number Conjecture | Sanden, Katherine Bellafiore |
2001 | Informational Cascades and Strategy: A Multiple Period Model | Clark, Robert M. |
2010 | Information, Evolution, and Incomputability | Yarnell, Christopher John |
2009 | Infinite Pastabilities: Conservative Extensions of ZFC via Reflection Principles | Zetumer, Samuel |
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 461 to 480 of 653