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Mathematics, 1934-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 461 to 480 of 653
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Lattice Symmetries of Indefinite Ternary Quadratic FormsBlumberg, Seth
2008Labor Mobility in Professional SoccerUgwi, Gregory
2004Kuzmin's Extraordinary Zero Measure SetMichelini, Matthew
2009Kripke Models for Proof-Carrying AuthenticationFischgrund, Sam
2003Kloosterman Sums and the Number Variance of the Spectra of Hyperbolic Modular SurfacesButt, Salman
2012Khovanov Homology and the Jones PolynomialSamorajski, Jonathan
2003A Modified Smoothing Lemma for Cm InterpolationDavid, Guy
1994Isoperimetric Inequalities for Finitely Presented GroupsWall, Jeffrey D.
1994Isomorphic Graphs and the Componentwise ProductMinsky, Yaron
1994Investigations of Diophantine EquationsCarroll, Karen R.T.
2012Investigations into Two Classical Theorems of Number TheoryMody, Krishnan
1994Investigations into the Character of Cubic Bipartite GraphsBerube, Susan R.
2011Investigations in Online Reputation SystemsToshev, Peter
2004A Mathematical Perspective on Relative Genetic Fitness at it Relates to Sickle Cell Anemia [Thesis Not Received]Boyd, Gloria
2011Invariant Generators of the Symmetry Groups of Regular ษณ-gons and Platonic SolidsGoller, Thomas
2007Integral Points on Spheres: A Dynamical ApproachSpeh, Peter
2009Integral Apollonian Circle Packings: A Prime Number ConjectureSanden, Katherine Bellafiore
2001Informational Cascades and Strategy: A Multiple Period ModelClark, Robert M.
2010Information, Evolution, and IncomputabilityYarnell, Christopher John
2009Infinite Pastabilities: Conservative Extensions of ZFC via Reflection PrinciplesZetumer, Samuel
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 461 to 480 of 653