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Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 124
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2020Test Submission for NSTX-USmith, Jane
14-Sep-2020Statistical properties of magnetic structures and energy dissipation during turbulent reconnection in the Earth's magnetotailBergstedt, K.; Ji, H.; Jara-Almonte, J.; Yoo, J.; Ergun, R. E.; Chen, L.-J.
Jul-2020Geometric concepts for stellarator permanent magnet arraysHammond, K. C.; Zhu, C.; Brown, T.; Corrigan, K.; Gates, D. A.; Sibilia, M.
May-2020Toward fusion plasma scenario planning for NSTX-U using machine-learning-accelerated modelsMark D. Boyer
May-2020MHD-blob correlations in NSTXZweben SJ; Fredrickson ED; Myra JR; Podesta M; Scotti F
Jun-2020Enhanced Pedestal H-mode at low edge ion collisionality on NSTXBattaglia, D.J.; Guttenfelder, W.; Bell, R.E.; Diallo, A.; Ferraro, N.;, Fredrickson, E.; Gerhardt, S.P.; Kaye, S.M.; Maingi, R.; Smith, D.R.
Jun-2020Theory of the tertiary instability and the Dimits shift within a scalar modelZhu, Hongxuan; Zhou Yao; Dodin, I.Y.
Jun-2020Gyrokinetic understanding of the edge pedestal transport driven by resonant magnetic perturbations in a realistic divertor geometryHager, R.; Chang, C. S.; Ferraro, N. M.; Nazikian R.
Oct-2019Deep convolutional neural networks for multi-scale time-series classification and application to disruption prediction in fusion devicesChurchill, R.M; the DIII-D team
Mar-2020Solitary zonal structures in subcritical drift waves: a minimum modelYao Zhou; Hongxuan Zhu; I. Y. Dodin
Feb-2020Vertical forces during VDEs in an ITER plasma and the role of halo currentsClasuer, C; Jardin, S; Ferraro, N
Jan-2020Analytic stability boundaries for compressional and global Alfven eigenmodes driven by fast ions. II. Interaction via Landau resonance.Lestz, J.B.; Gorelenkov, N.N.; Belova, E.V.; Tang, S.X.; Crocker, N.A.
Jan-2020Theory of the tertiary instability and the Dimits shift from reduced drift-wave modelsZhu, Hongxuan; Zhou, Yao; Dodin, I. Y.
Sep-2019Analytic stability boundaries for compressional and global Alfven eigenmodes driven by fast ions. I. Interaction via ordinary and anomalous cyclotron resonances.Lestz J.B., Gorelenkov N.N., Belova E.V., Tang S.X., Crocker N.A.
Dec-2019Machine Learning Characterization of Alfvénic and Sub-Alfvénic Chirping and Correlation With Fast-Ion Loss at NSTXWoods, B. J. Q.; Duarte, V. N.; Fredrickson, E. D.; Gorelenkov, N. N.; Podestà, M.; Vann, R. G. L.
Nov-2019Intrinsic Rotation in Axisymmetric DevicesT Stoltzfus-Dueck
Dec-2019Machine Learning Characterization of Alfvénic and Sub-Alfvénic Chirping and Correlation With Fast-Ion Loss at NSTXWoods, B. J. Q.; Duarte, V. N.; Fredrickson, E. D.; Gorelenkov, N. N.; Podestà, M.; Vann, R. G. L.
Aug-2019Reduced Model for Direct Induction Startup Scenario Development on MAST-U and NSTX-UBattaglia, D.J.; Thornton, A.J.; Gerhardt, S.P.; Kirk, A.; Kogan, L; Menard, J.E.
Aug-2019Quasioptical modeling of wave beams with and without mode conversion: III. Numerical simulations of mode-converting beamsK. Yanagihara, I. Y. Dodin, and S. Kubo
Aug-2019Quasioptical modeling of wave beams with and without mode conversion: II. Numerical simulations of single-mode beamsK. Yanagihara, I. Y. Dodin, and S. Kubo
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 124