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Mathematics, 1934-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 421 to 440 of 653
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004Numerical Modeling: The Effects of Ocean Heat Content on Hurricane DevelopmentKapnick, Sarah
1996Numerical Methods for Finding Ground StatesOliveira, Paulo Rocha e
1998Numerical Investigations into the Consecutive Spacings of alpha n squared (mod 1)Owen, Robert
2007Numerical Evidence for a Conjecture of HooleyPetrow, Ian N.
2001Nonsingular Curves on Nonsingular Cubic SurfacesPayne, Sam
2002Nonlinear Wave EquationsPascu, Oana
2011A Problem About Seifert Cx-Bundles Over Algebraic SurfacesZahariuc, Adrian Ioan
1993A Probabilistic Method of Determining the Number of Local Minima of a Multivariable FunctionSeife, Charles G.
1997Non-existence of Invariant Tori for the Froeschle MapPachamanova, Dessislava A.
2012New Coherent States and the Eigenvalues of the Relativistic Schrödinger OperatorFrankel, Ian
2005Network-level discovery of Biological Pathways and Pathway Crosstalk from Diverse Genomics DataRobson, Drew
2012Network Analysis of the Foreign Exchange MarketZhang, Susan
1993Natural Number Investigations for Integration into a High School Mathematics CurriculumBraxton, Peter J.
2001Multiscale Image Processing Using Single and Double Gaussian Techniiques, and Hidden Markov ModelsSvore, Krysta M.
1999Morse Theory and Heegaard Splittings of 3-ManifoldsHoran, Sean Michael
2007Moduli Problems for Non-Hermitian Symmetric SpacesSilberstein, Aaron M.
2012Modeling and analysis of the dorsoventral patterning of the Drosophila embryoBaetica, Ania
2011Model BuildingHou, Jie (Mark)
2011Minor-Closed Graph Classes with Small Edge Density BoundsHesterberg, Adam
1994Minimizing the Total Cost of Warranty Policies to the SellerJones, Jr., Matthew L.
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 421 to 440 of 653