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Princeton University Undergraduate Senior Theses, 1924-2020

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Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1341 to 1360 of 68801
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Aug-2019Application of Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Customer Churn in E-commerce PlatformsZecker, Camilla
16-Aug-2019The Optimizer’s Guide to Money Laundering: Navigating Detection Algorithms with Naïve Beam SearchYomjinda, Woramanot
16-Aug-2019A case study of the Trading Invariance Principle on CryptocurrencyYi, Matthew
16-Aug-2019Predicting Catastrophic Events: Flood Losses as Heavy Tailed DistributionsYablonski, Alex
16-Aug-2019Contrast Dyes and Cancer Maps: Approaches to Image Registration with Appearance Changes in Breast CT ScansWeissmann, Joshua
16-Aug-2019Optimizing Energy Storage Locations in the Presence of Offshore Wind using Stochastic Dual Dynamic ProgrammingWard, Stephanie
16-Aug-2019Chinese Hedge Funds: Understanding Performance with CAPM and Factor AnalysisWang, Kate
16-Aug-2019School Zone Scramble: How Beijing's Changing Education Policy Impacts Housing PricesWang, Catherine
16-Aug-2019Using Simulated Limit Order Book Data To Evaluate Trade Execution StrategiesWang, Andrew
16-Aug-2019Twitch Money: The Monetization of Video Game StreamingWagner, Mike
16-Aug-2019Flattening the Duck Curve: A Network Optimization Approach to Electricity Transmission in CaliforniaVeo, Nicholas
16-Aug-2019Dynamic Yield Curve Forecasting with Regime-Switching Nelson-Siegel-Svensson ModelsTrauger, Evan
16-Aug-2019Combining Look-Back Windows for Equity Price MomentumThong, Timothy
16-Aug-2019Too Much of a Good Thing? A Simulation Approach to Quantifying the Effects of Competition on Autonomous Taxi NetworksStroebel, Stewart
16-Aug-2019Understanding the limits of Artificial Intelligence through Adversarial ExamplesRamchoreeter, Yowan
16-Aug-2019An Optimal Learning Model for State-Level Optimization of Naloxone Kit Allocation with Non-Convex Response RatesPi, Selina
16-Aug-2019An Empirical Investigation of Asset Price Bubbles Using The Local Martingale Theory of Bubbles and Multiple-Factor Return ModelsPatel, Rahi
16-Aug-2019Analyzing ETF Flows through the lens of factor modelsNorko, Krzysztof
16-Aug-2019Bike-Sharing System: Demand Prediction and System ExpansionNitayanont, Tor
16-Aug-2019Scheduling Exoplanet Observations Across A Network Of TelescopesNag, Rik
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1341 to 1360 of 68801