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Princeton University Undergraduate Senior Theses, 1924-2020

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Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1321 to 1340 of 68801
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Aug-2019Injection Molding: Process and Design Principles for 3D Printed MoldsBradley, Nora
16-Aug-2019AgriFlow: The Application of Elastic Filament Velocimetry to Water Flow Measurement and Control in Hydroponic Vertical FarmsBelkadi, Sami
16-Aug-2019Analysis of Soft Phononic Crystals: Using Machine Learning to Predict Compression using Transmission DataBaroody, Dylan
16-Aug-2019Aerodynamic Analysis and Simulation of Drag Racing Motorcycle BodyworkAndrew, Billy
16-Aug-2019Analysis of Hockey Skate Blade Holders: An Investigation into Broken Skates by Reverse EngineeringAchterkirch, Emily
16-Aug-2019Tonology of the Luruuli/Lunyala NounGottlieb, Caroline de Brito
16-Aug-2019Interrelation of Lexical Tone and Melody in Mandarin Language LyricsCrabtree, Blaine
16-Aug-2019Aramaic Caught in the Thicket: A Linguistic Untangling of Pseudo-Jonathan on the Binding of IsaacLilienthal, Yael
16-Aug-2019Variation in Verbal Syntax and Nominal Morphology in Some Modern Dialects of Western GarhwalHolt, Sebastian
16-Aug-2019The Impact of the Online Certificate Status Protocol on User PrivacyBryers, Evan
16-Aug-2019Searching for Explanations in Rotated Forests: Examining Explainability in Tree-Based Ensemble ModelsBanerji, Arnab
16-Aug-2019TigerGrid: An Open-Source Microgrid Design SoftwareAsante, Alexander
16-Aug-2019Diving In: A Model Interpretability Approach to Sensor Fusion for Accurate and Efficient Human Activity Recognition Tasks.Al Tair, Abdulghafar
16-Aug-2019Extended Emulation TheoryRade, Luca
16-Aug-2019Compounding Injustice: History and Prediction in Carceral Decision-MakingLaufer, Benjamin
16-Aug-2019Compounding Injustice: History and Prediction in Carceral Decision-MakingLaufer, Benjamin
16-Aug-2019Cryptocurrency Portfolios: Investment Optimization and Risk AnalysisGirshik, Daniel
16-Aug-2019Alternative Swaption Price Modeling for Low Rate EnvironmentsZhu, Gavin
16-Aug-2019Charting a Course for Success: A Statistical Analysis of Sociological Models in Popular Music TrendsZhu, Connie
16-Aug-2019Optimal Learning Using Monte Carlo Tree Search for Epidemic Control in the Meningitis BeltZhang, Amy
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1321 to 1340 of 68801