Mathematics, 1934-2020
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 381 to 400 of 653
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2009 | A Reconstruction Algorithm for Delsart-Goethals Matrices | Katuna, Neil P. |
2005 | Paths on Integer Lattices | Myers, Peter |
2007 | P-adic Integration and Subrings of Z mod n | Kaplan, Nathan |
1997 | Outermobius and Cylindrical Graphs | Scott, Katherine W. |
1934 | Orthogonal functions in the theory of least squares | Fisher, Adrian S. |
1997 | Orifolds and the Study of Symmetry | Novick, Alan |
2010 | Optimality in Multi-armed Bandit Problems under Regret and PAC Models | Kim, Yoonju |
2009 | Optimal Dynamic Portfolio Choice in the Market with Arbitrage Opportunities | Lee, Seunghyup |
2012 | On the Uses and Limitations of Distributional Analysis for Written Language Systems | Fleissner, Anton |
2003 | On the Sum of Four Squares and its Generalizations | Lu, Stephen |
2003 | On the Structure of Choice-Perfect Graphs | Slep, Mitchell |
2004 | On the Representations of the Symmetric Group and the General Linear Group over a Finite Field | Hsu, Jonathan |
2004 | On the Representations of an Integer as the Sum of Squares | Wong, Manwah |
2003 | On the Modularity of Galois Representations | Durrett, Adam |
2011 | On the Equivalence Between Zero Point and Source Theoretic Accounts of Long-Range Casimir Interactions | Kesler, III, Robert Milton |
1995 | On the Distribution of the Zeros of Random Polynomials | Lucianovic, Mark W. |
2007 | On the Distribution of Points with Coprime Integer Coordinates: Applications to a Problem Involving Continued Fractions | Kamburov, Nikola |
2004 | On the Discriminants of Biquadratic Extensions | Gliga, Alexandra |
1995 | On the Determination of the Universal Positive Quaternary Quadratic Forms | Meyer, Nicholas J. |
1998 | On the Decomposition of Tensor Powers of the Adjoint Representation | Friedmann, Tamar |
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 381 to 400 of 653