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Mathematics, 1934-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 381 to 400 of 653
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009A Reconstruction Algorithm for Delsart-Goethals MatricesKatuna, Neil P.
2005Paths on Integer LatticesMyers, Peter
2007P-adic Integration and Subrings of Z mod nKaplan, Nathan
1997Outermobius and Cylindrical GraphsScott, Katherine W.
1934Orthogonal functions in the theory of least squaresFisher, Adrian S.
1997Orifolds and the Study of SymmetryNovick, Alan
2010Optimality in Multi-armed Bandit Problems under Regret and PAC ModelsKim, Yoonju
2009Optimal Dynamic Portfolio Choice in the Market with Arbitrage OpportunitiesLee, Seunghyup
2012On the Uses and Limitations of Distributional Analysis for Written Language SystemsFleissner, Anton
2003On the Sum of Four Squares and its GeneralizationsLu, Stephen
2003On the Structure of Choice-Perfect GraphsSlep, Mitchell
2004On the Representations of the Symmetric Group and the General Linear Group over a Finite FieldHsu, Jonathan
2004On the Representations of an Integer as the Sum of SquaresWong, Manwah
2003On the Modularity of Galois RepresentationsDurrett, Adam
2011On the Equivalence Between Zero Point and Source Theoretic Accounts of Long-Range Casimir InteractionsKesler, III, Robert Milton
1995On the Distribution of the Zeros of Random PolynomialsLucianovic, Mark W.
2007On the Distribution of Points with Coprime Integer Coordinates: Applications to a Problem Involving Continued FractionsKamburov, Nikola
2004On the Discriminants of Biquadratic ExtensionsGliga, Alexandra
1995On the Determination of the Universal Positive Quaternary Quadratic FormsMeyer, Nicholas J.
1998On the Decomposition of Tensor Powers of the Adjoint RepresentationFriedmann, Tamar
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 381 to 400 of 653