Mathematics, 1934-2020
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 653
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1997 | Regularity of Refinable Functions | Shaw, Caitlin WM. |
2009 | Refining Rational Expectations Equilibria: Existence of Nash Equilibria in Borrowing Constrained Games | Cater, Charles Dylan |
2004 | A Special Case of Hadwiger's Conjecture | Blasiak, Jonah |
2007 | Real-space perturbative renomalization-group procedure on fractal lattices: Random antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model | Khandker, Zuhair |
2012 | Real Analysis for the Non-Genius | Grinberg, Rafael |
1993 | Rational Points on Elliptic Curves | Hershey, Kendra L. |
1999 | Ranks of Twists of Elliptic Curves | Fertig, Ron |
2009 | Quadratic Forms and Lattices with Conorms | Malyshev, Anton |
2010 | Probabilistic models for spike trains of single neurons | Pachitariu, Marius |
2000 | Probabilistic Approach to One-Probe Storing and Searching Algorithms | Wei, Zhuofang |
2009 | Private Data in the Public (Hyper)Sphere: Differential Privacy-Preserving Distance-Based Data Mining | Stefanski, Mark |
1999 | Pricing Interest Rate Derivatives with Cox-Ingersoll-Ross | Griscom, Stephen |
2010 | Price Optimization Through Winning Characteristics | Harvey, William Paul-Bryant |
2010 | Predicting Earnings Forecast Errors | Fedyk, Anastassia |
2011 | Power in Networks Via a Trading Game | Li, Dan |
1995 | Positive Cones of Three-Stop Games: Analysis of the Partial Ordering Structure of the Group of Games | Zinno, Matthew G. |
2004 | Pointwise Estimates of Fractional Integral Operators | Andrews, Ulysses |
2012 | A Review of Results Following from Axioms Pertaining to the Continuum | Ogarrio, Juan |
2010 | Pluricanonical Maps for Pairs of Log General Type | Burnham, Gregory Harris |
1994 | Picking an Interesting Combination Lock | Sceppa, David E. |
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 653