Mathematics, 1934-2020
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 301 to 320 of 653
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2001 | A Wavelet-Based Method for Financial Derivative Valuation | Marquette, III, H. Raymond |
2007 | A Wavelet-Based Estimator of a Parameter of Long-Range Dependence with Applications to Financial Time Series | Zipkin, Joseph |
1994 | The Fermat Equation and Arithmetic on Orbifolds | Fischman, Joshua B. |
2010 | The Einstein Equations Under a Massless Scalar Field | Cheng, Dale |
1994 | A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Location of Industries Employing Poorly Skilled Workers in Northern New Jersey | Bayer, Patrick |
2001 | The Dyadic Position-Oscillation-Scale Transform (POST) on the Real Line | Tygert, Mark W. |
2003 | A Survey of Epidemiological Models: Effects of Multiple-Strain Interactionss and Age Structure | Rachakonda, Leelanand |
2011 | The Cauchy Problem for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation in Hˡ (R³) | Casey, Michael |
2007 | The Brauer group of a local field and Brauer-Severi varieties: an explicit approach | Chowdhury, Atoshi |
1997 | The Bifurcations of a Two-Dimensional Noninvertible Map: A Computer Assisted Study | Meli, Jeffrey A. |
1995 | The Bergman Metric on some Domains in C(n) | Kennell, Lauren R. |
2010 | The Batch Knowledge Gradient Policy for Simultaneous Information Collection | Peng, Yingzhi |
1998 | The Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem: A Brief Introduction | Neitzke, Andrew |
1993 | The Approximation of Real Numbers: A Comparison of the Continued Fractions Algorithm with Two Algorithms of M.V. Ostrogradskii | Parlamis, Franklin M. |
2008 | "No Thesis Received" | Blumberg, Seth |
2008 | The Application of Elliptic Curves to the Congruent Number Problem | Krone, Robert |
1993 | The AKS Sorting Algorithm | Hsu, Elizabeth H. |
2012 | Testing Ability in a Principal-Agent Relationship | Mack, Andrew |
2007 | Ternary Quadratic Forms and Quaternion Lattices | Izmailov, Illia |
2008 | Temptation, Self-Control, and the Hausdorff Metric | Tanner, Noam B. |
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 301 to 320 of 653