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Mathematics, 1934-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 653
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011The Number of Ovals of a Random Real Plane CurveNastasescu, Maria Monica
2006The Nested Stochastic Simulation AlgorithmDu, Peng (Peter)
2011Adjoint Functors in Automata TheorySprunger, David
2003The Moduli Space of Pointed Genus Zero CurvesOng, Matthew
1993The Mobius Function on Partially Ordered SetsHiga, Jonathan T.
2002The Minimal Genus Problem for 3- and 4-ManifoldsLipshitz, Robert
2003The Max Flow Min Cut Property in T-join Hypergraphs of Planar GraphsMihaescu, Radu
1996The Mathematics of Card Shuffling: Perfect and Imperfect ShufflesAuerbach, Jonathan Albert Gallatin
2005The Logic and Symmetry of the Greeberger-Horne-Zeilinger ExperimentRanjan, Darsh
2000Actions of Cyclic (p)-Groups on Algebraic VarietiesBridges, Bill
2011The Link Concordance Invariant from Lee HomologyPardon, John
1994The Irreducible Representations of SL2(Fq)Przeworski, Molly
2008"Quantum Leap"?: Introducing Quantum Cryptography and the Next Step in Quantum Key DistributionWylly, Virginia P.
2007The Hilbert Scheme of Points on a Nodal SurfaceNuer, Howard
1992The Higman Embedding Theorem and the Word ProblemSannuti, Arun Meda
2004The Hardy-Littlewood MethodLaw, Jeffrey
2002The Hardy-Littlewood Circle Method and Waring's Problem: An Asympotic Formula for Four Squares and an lth PowerRubinstein, Daniel Jacob
2008The Half-Dimensional SieveSingh, Bhairav
2008The Gromov-Witten Theory of an Elliptic Curve and Quasimodular FormsPixton, Aaron
1994The Geometry of Hyperbolic Components in Complex Dynamics: The Case of CubicsBen-zvi, David
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 653