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Music, 1948-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 198 of 198
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1956Geheimnis der Stunde: Text and Music in Wagner's Tristan und IsoldeHamilton, David Peter
23-Jul-2014Symphony No. 1 "Warsaw Ghetto Symphony"Moses, Michael
23-Jul-2014Men of Steel An Arrangement for Steel OrchestraLawrence, Amanda
23-Jul-2014Symphony No. 1Wang, Jason
23-Jul-2014Sweetbriar for Five Voices and PercussionMcCarty, Ryan W.
23-Jul-2014Five Pieces for OrchestraWarshaw, James
23-Jul-2014The Dawn of the Rooster A Choral DramaTawengwa, Tanyaradzwa A.
23-Jul-2014String QuartetAyyangar, Sashi
23-Jul-2014Powerful Voices: The Rise of the Prima Donna in Seventeenth-Century VeniceBuzard, Katherine
23-Jul-2014IT TAKES A VILLAGE a new musicalNakamura, Emi
27-Aug-2013Zoomed: Three Musical Studies for Electronic and Acoustic Instruments I. Spun II. Grooved III. To be Cont'dShin, Hana
29-Jul-2013A Frequency Analysis of Chord Functions in J.S. Bach’s Partita No. 3 in E major for Unaccompanied ViolinLeary, Brianna
29-Jul-2013Shindig: Or, Hopefully, an Enjoyable Experience to be Shared by People Gathered Together. For Feedback Trombone, Musicians, Audience, and Found RecordingsGustafson, Peter
29-Jul-2013How the Paper Folds: A String QuartetChu, James
29-Jul-2013Weehawken: a musical drama about the 1804 duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron BurrCunningham, Flannery
29-Jul-2013A Siren Opus by Ravish EntryHenry, Travis
29-Jul-2013Sentiment, Form, and Composer's Intent: An Emotion-Based Theory of Structural Deformation in Sonata FormSimins, David
29-Jul-2013Music in Victorian London Collective Nostalgia and the Cultivation of National TraditionBeskin, Alison E
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 198 of 198