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Near Eastern Studies, 1969-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 314
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1995The Search for a Performance Language: Translations of Tawfiq Al-Hakim's The Predicament and Ali Salim's The Overseer and the EngineerCravens, William Samuel Dickson
1970The School of SIYAH-QALAM, The Enigma of the Paintings Found in the Treasury of the Sultans in Topkapi SarayiBarry, Michael A.
1978The Schismatic Effects on Armenian Society of a Half Century of American Protestant Proselytism and Education in the Ottoman Empire: 1831-1833Johnson, David Robert
2006The Salafi Movement in MoroccoHayward, Emma C. J.
2004Al-Qaeda in the Footsteps of the Ikhwan: Religious-Political Opposition Movements in Saudi ArabiaCohen, Haylee
1975Al-Andalus in the Z-XV Centuries in the Works of Three Hispano-Muslim Geographers: AL-Razi, Idrisi and Al-HimrayiFeltenstein, Martha
1998The Role of Greek Orthodox Christians in the Formation, Rise and Fall of the Ottoman EmpireEgeli, Elif Hayriye
1987The Role and Development of Jerusalem in Ancient IsraelLewittes, Michael L.
1982The Rise of the Qajar: A Study of the Internal Political Dynamics of 18th Century IranFarhat-Sepahi, Ramin
2009The Rise of National Muslim Educational Institutions in AmericaShiliwala, Wasim
1979The Restoration Idea: Christian Proposals and Jewish ResponseIrwin, Gwyneth Anne
2012The Representation of Social Issues in Turkish Television DramasCostello, Katherine
2005The Qizilbash of Afghanistan: The Political Journey of an Ethnic Minority: From Bodyguards to the King to Guardians of the ConstitutionSamadani-McQuirk, Navid
1980The Psychodynamics of Charisma during the Formation of the Zionist Mass MovementSpiro, David Ephraim
2011Againistan: Buried Alive in the Graveyard of EmpiresDavila, Kristen
1976The Pre-Islamic Hajj: A Seasonal FestivalBarger, Norah Margaret
1981The Political Maturation of Arab Students in Israeli Universities, 1958-1980.Calmes, Carolyn Wright
1986The Political Economy of Stagflation in Mature Middle Income Countries:: The Cases of Argentina, Chile, Israel and TurkeyCymet, Jeffrey Roger
1977The Political and Entrepreneurial Elites in Contemporary IranFarmanfarmaian, Batoul Roxane
1973The Palestinian Resistance Movement, 1964-1971: An AssessmentSadek, Brady Scott
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 314