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Near Eastern Studies, 1969-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 314
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011This Place is Mine: Nine Short Stories by Hoda BarakatKunze, Elizabeth
2012The Young and the Restless: Palestinian Israeli Youth Between the First and the Second IntifadasBrodie, Kerry
1969The Verbal Aspect Le in Modern Spoken MandarinBaron, Stephen Paul
1981The Veiling of Women as an Element in the Evolution of the Harim in IslamJackson, Sidrah Ruby
1978The United Wrokers Party: Evolution of an IdeologyDobin, Sarah Diane
1977The United States and the 1973 Oil Embargo: the Indictment of a Government.Alam, Syed Shaban
1972The Turkish Civil Code of 1926 and Its Reception in Rural SocietyLovejoy, Helen Osborne
1978The Transformations of EnochHartman, Joan Elaine
1978The Third World in the International System: A Study in DependencyKayeum, Thor
1971The Syrian Protestant College and Its Milieu: The Early Years, 1866-1885Soles, Christopher
2012The Sword and the Shield: U.S. Tank Employment in Support of Counterinsurgency Operations in Iraq and AfghanistanMazor, David
1989The Survival of Nestorian ChristianityZovko, Andrew T.
2005The Sufi Expression of the Beauty of GodThomas, Rishma
2003The Struggle for Jordan : Egypt's Anti-Imperial Agenda in the Arab and Israeli SpheresIr, Sean A.
2010The Story of Liberal Islam: Sources of Controversy in Egypt and IndonesiaWood, Allison
1988The Status and Future of Women's Education in the American Modern Orthodox CommunityHazony, Julie F.
1974The Social Structure of Underdevelopment: Iraq to 1941Lockman, Zachary
1986The Social Evolution of the United Arab Emirates: A Study Utilizing Ibn Khaldun's Theory of State and SocietyWrampelmeier, Christopher Kent
1970The Social and Political Causes of the 1919 Rebellion in EgyptBeinin, Joel Shawn
1971The Shu'UbiyyaCroken, Barbara Eileen
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 314