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Mathematics, 1934-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 653
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Associating Galois Representations to Modular Forms and some GeneralizationsDong, Yihe
2012(In) completeness in Riemannian, and Lorentzian, Geometries via the Calculus of VariationsJimenez, Michael
2000Approaches to Modeling Disease Spread in Coral ReefsChatwani, Nita A.
1999Anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background: Results from Python IVKovac, John
2012Analytical Approaches to Calculating Value-at-Risk of a Quadratic Approximation of a Stock and Options PortfolioWang, Daniel Xiaochen
1993Analytic Deligne Cohomology of Complex Projective SpaceBeke, Tibor
2000Analytic Continuation of Spherical Functions of SO(n-1, 1)Coskun, Izzet
1993Analysis of Markov FormsLockhart, Michael D.
2009Analysis and Properties of the Perfect Plasticity Approximation Forest Model in a Constant Resource EnvironmentBurgess, James
2003An Upper Bound on the Order of Prime-Ordered Torsion Points of the Mordell-Weil Group of Elliptic Curves over Number FieldsEischen, Ellen
2012An Introductory Survey of Two Methods for the Calculation of the Eigenvalue Distribution in Large Random MatricesMiller, Reilly
2006An Introduction to Stochastic Loewner EvolutionMangual, John D.
1999An Introduction to Nonstandard Methods in Hilbert Space TheoryLovett, Nathaniel G.
1993An Interpolation Theorem on a Scale of Hilbert SpacesLicameli, Paul Raphael
2012An Extension of the Hobby-Rice TheoremLazarev, Oleg
2012An Exposition on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer ConjectureKnight, Erick
2012An Exploration of Morse TheoryBrennan, Tegan
1998An Explicit Rendering of the Universal Abelian Scheme over Spec Z[1/2]Ellis, Paul
2011An Elementary Journey into the Rich Topic of LatticesStangescu, Mihnea
2006An Analytic Proof of the Logarithmic Sobolev InequalityAvsec, Stephen
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 653