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Sociology, 1954-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 401 to 420 of 1496
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Tracks: Subway Musicians from Train Tracks to the Information SuperhighwayChen, Sara B.
2005Track and Basketball, Is that All? An Exploration of African-American Women in Intercollegiate Athletics Post Title IXLattimer, Chanel
1983Toxic Shock Syndrome and Tampon Use: A Study in Health Attitudes and Preventive BehaviorKuvin, Jeanette ELisa
1972Towards a Sociology of the CircusStone, Huntley Joseph
1978Towards a General Theory of Leadership for Industrial OrganizationsCorbin, David Randolph
1982Towards a Conception of Mental IllnessWood, Alyson Kathleen
1971Toward True EducationJulius, Arlene Gay
1971Toward an Understanding of the Therapeutic EffortAronson, James
1974Toward an Understanding of the Human Working Element: Its Implications and Some Management ApplicationsBryan, Jeffrey Stuart
1971Toward an Armed Black Revolution in AmericaAldridge, Karen Marie
1972Toward a Sociological Framework of Aging and Old Age in American SocietyBulle, Ralph Joachim
1979Toward a New Approach in Analyzing American Indian Tribal DevelopmentGarcia, Roberto Ayala
1961Toward a General Theory of the Relationship Between Frustration in Childhood and Aggression in Adult BehaviorEffrat, Andrew George
2001America's Neglected Children: Poor Health and the Uninsured Across the USDorce, Jackie Patricia
1996Tolerance Towards Lesbians and Gays: A Factor Analysis of Princeton Undergraduate AttitudesUlrich, Brandon S.
2006Together We Stand, Divided We Fall: A Comparison of Unionization Among Asians and Hispanics in the United StatesShea, Sarah A.
1972Time for a Change: Juvenile Delinquency and the CourtRossman, Howard Marc
1980Thwarted Expectations: Learned Helplessness in the Chronic Pain SyndromeGrady, David Alan
2007America on the Move: Examining the Effects of Residential Mobility on Adolescent Drug UsePowe, Darroll B.
2006Through Our Eyes: Understanding Hurricane Katrina as a Racialized Social DisasterLanders, Cherice N.
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 401 to 420 of 1496