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Art and Archaeology, 1926-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 321 to 340 of 1279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1957The Sculpture of Auguste Rodin and Its Significance in the History of ArtRobinson, C. David
1962The Scenography of Adolphe Appia and Edward Gordon Craig: The New Movement in Art and Theatre at the Turn of the CenturyGlickler, Paul
2005The San Diego School of Organic ArchitectureThompson, Soren Hunter Miles Sussman
1996The Saint of All Sinners: Changing Images of Mary Magdalene in Renaissance ItalyJamison, Jamye Fe Michele
2006The Sabines of Poussin, David, and Picasso: Classical Texts -- Artistic IntertextsGold, Doria Michelle
1961The Roman Cuirass in ArtChamberlain, III, Pierce A.
1990The Role of the Fisherman in Nineteenth Century American Landscape PaintingPetito, III, Frank A.
1994"Something of a Fair": The Spectacle of DisneylandMaddox, Ashley R.
1987The Role of Decoration in the Architecture of Francesco BorrominiClarke, Jean M.
1972The Role of De Stijl in the Development of Twentieth Century Aesthetic ThoughtProwler, Donald
1981The Risen Christ at Emmaus: From Ravenna to RembrandtSword, Sally Pitcher
1976The Rise of the Figure in Landscape Composition in Chinese Art (The Late Chou Dynasty to the Six Dynasties Period)Person, Nicole Fabricand
1964The Revival of Twentieth Century Christian Art in Georges Rouault, as Influenced by Leon Bloy and J.K. HuysmansGambee, Robert R.
1985The Revitalization of Chinese Art: The Cross-Cultural Solutions of Liu Tian Wei, Cho Xiau Ping, and Zhang Hong-TuDixon, Susannah
1993The Restitution of Plundered Antiquities: The Republic of Cyprus v. Peg GoldbergBuck, Susan Elise
1947The Representation of Time in PaintingLuccarelli, Anthony
2004The Representation of Islamic Art in Major American Museums: An Analysis of the Islamic Galleries at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Metropolitan Museum of ArtBaker, Laura
1926The Renaissance, Its Individualism and Interest in the ScientificCooke, R. E.
1985The Religious Influence at the College of New Jersey: Architecture of TransitionGuyett, Gregory L.
1932The Reliefs on the Facade of Orvieto CathedralDickinson, Jr., W. W.
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 321 to 340 of 1279