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English, 1925-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 7077
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Jun-2016SMALL CHANGE (story)Byrne, Kelly A.
16-Jun-2016America’s Most Talented Baby and other storiesO’Shea, Theresa
16-Jun-2016Imagination in a Catastrophic Time: Crisis and the Ethics of Representing TraumaNoh, Eu Na
16-Jun-2016The Happiest Typhoon Day (short stories)King, Lin
14-Jun-2016The Other Woman: Female Rivalry and the Marriage Plot in the Works of Jane AustenBirenboim, Katherine Grace
14-Jun-2016From Light to Dark: Louis C.K.’s Iconic Treatment of Dark HumorPutt, Kevin Warren
14-Jun-2016Relating after Trauma: Communication and Connection in Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly CloseZhang, Maggie
14-Jun-2016THE WAY HE MAKES ME: Authority and Negotiations of Womanhood in Contemporary FilmYoung, Morgan Elizabeth
14-Jun-2016The Way Station (novel)Sublette, Michael James
14-Jun-2016Winning a Story: How The Walking Dead Reveals the Immersive Potential of Video GameSquiers, William B.
14-Jun-2016The Dynamics of Beowulf: Tides and TransformationsSimpson, Brett V.
14-Jun-2016Intergenerational Inheritance of Traumatic Pasts And Their Physical Manifestations in Jamaica Kincaid’s Annie John and Sylvia Plath’s The Bell JarRodney, Jillian A.
14-Jun-2016DIS(RE)MEMBERED: Dickinson, Plath, Bishop, and the Limitations of the Biographical ImperativeRobbins, Olivia J.
14-Jun-2016Epistemically Bent: Solipsism and Sincerity in Infinite JestQuinn, Nathan
14-Jun-2016To Write a Life to Right a Life: Retrospective Narratives in Atwood, McEwan, and RothPugliese, David Joseph
14-Jun-2016Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made On”: Cinematic Shakespeare Since 1989Zweiback, Jacob E.
14-Jun-2016If We Be Friends: Queering the Fairy TraditionWalker, Adin Sidney
14-Jun-2016Digging Up Bones: (Re)Staging Death in Black Performance ArtUde, Ogemdi Akunna
14-Jun-2016Vladimir Nabokov’s Self-Reflexive Text: Involution in LolitaSmith, Zachary Joshua
14-Jun-2016The Acknowledged Animal: Cavell’s Recognition and Animal Suffering in Shakespeare’s PlaysReese, Madeline A.
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 7077