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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Nov-2019Intrinsic Rotation in Axisymmetric DevicesT Stoltzfus-Dueck
Dec-2019Machine Learning Characterization of Alfvénic and Sub-Alfvénic Chirping and Correlation With Fast-Ion Loss at NSTXWoods, B. J. Q.; Duarte, V. N.; Fredrickson, E. D.; Gorelenkov, N. N.; Podestà, M.; Vann, R. G. L.
Jun-2020Enhanced Pedestal H-mode at low edge ion collisionality on NSTXBattaglia, D.J.; Guttenfelder, W.; Bell, R.E.; Diallo, A.; Ferraro, N.;, Fredrickson, E.; Gerhardt, S.P.; Kaye, S.M.; Maingi, R.; Smith, D.R.
Oct-2018ELM frequency enhancement and discharge modification through lithium granule injection into EAST H-modesLunsford; Hsu, J.S.; Sun, Z.; Maingi, R.; Mansfield, D.K.; Xu, W.; Zuo, G.Z.; Huang, M.; Diallo, A.; Osborne, T.; Tritz, K.; Canik, J.; Meng, X.C.; Gong, X.Z.; Wan, B.N.; Li, J.G.; EAST Team
Jul-2019Blob wakes in NSTXZweben SJ, Myra JR, Diallo A, Russell DA, Scotti F, Stotler DP
Jun-2019Modelling of Ablatant Deposition from Electromagnetically Driven Radiative Pellets for Disruption Mitigation StudiesLunsford, Robert; Raman, Roger; Brooks, Arthur; Ellis, Robert A.; Lay, W-S;
Apr-2019TRANSP-based Optimization Towards Tokamak Scenario DevelopmentW.P. Wehner, E. Schuster, M.D. Boyer, F. Poli
Mar-2019A scalable real-time framework for Thomson scattering analysis: Application to NSTX-UF. M. Laggner, A. Diallo, B. P. LeBlanc, R. Rozenblat, G. Tchilinguirian, E.Kolemen, the NSTX-U team
Mar-2019Study of liquid metal surface wave damping in the presence of magnetic fields and electrical currentsFisher, A.E.; Hvasta, M.G.; Kolemen, E.
Aug-2019Quasioptical modeling of wave beams with and without mode conversion: III. Numerical simulations of mode-converting beamsK. Yanagihara, I. Y. Dodin, and S. Kubo