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Computer Science, 1988-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 687
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
14-Aug-2018How the Brain Represents NarrativeRosen, Matthew
14-Aug-2018Analyzing Increasing Enrollments and Diversity in Princeton Computer ScienceHammel, Melana
14-Aug-2018Inferring Intent from Pointing with Computer VisionHinthorn, William
14-Aug-2018New Methods for Tackling SparsityProblems in WordNetHammarskjold, Ryan
14-Aug-2018A System for Vertical Farming Data Collection and AnalysisZainulabadeen, Aamir
14-Aug-2018Kids and Online Safety: Developing an Educational FrameworkYang, Jonathan
14-Aug-2018Zero-shot Semantic SegmentationDoshi, Rohan
14-Aug-2018CryptoVest: A Cryptocurrency Investing PlatformIslam, Waqar
14-Aug-2018Static Analysis of Programming Assignment Submissions in an Introductory CS CourseSalter, Joseph
14-Aug-2018Automatic Punctuation of Lecture Transcripts & Student Usage Analysis of Video Lectures in Online Learning PlatformsMorkos, Ragy
14-Aug-2018Profile Hidden Markov Models for the Detection of Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetases within Metagenomic Sequence DataChang, Allison
14-Aug-2018A Theoretical Fugue on Computational Creativity in the Style of GEBTang, Alice
14-Aug-2018Attack Vectors in Proof of Stake BlockchainsVictor, Bennett
14-Aug-2018Processable: A Visual Assembly Debugger and Program Tracer in the BrowserWhitaker, Robert
14-Aug-2018A Statistical Conception of Gerrymandering: Providing a Pipeline to the Redist AlgorithmRivitz, William
14-Aug-2018Context-Aware Algorithmic Composition in the Style of Classical Composers using Machine LearningToy, Nico
14-Aug-2018Pantrymate: A Mobile Application to Reduce Household Food WasteLevin, Jake
14-Aug-2018TableReader: A Digital Humanities PDF Extraction ToolJi, Jessica
14-Aug-2018Using Machine Learning to Optimize NBA LineupsHeffernan, Harry
14-Aug-2018Towards Critical Computing: a Template for Animated DocumentaryKermode, Lachlan
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 687