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dc.contributor.advisorRegister, Richard A.-
dc.contributor.authorDas, Bristee Banu-
dc.description.abstractBlock and random copolymers derived from norbornene monomers bearing hydroxyhexafluoroisopropyl and n-butyl substituents (HFANB and BuNB) and synthesized via living vinyl addition polymerization were previously shown to be successful for the recovery of n-butanol from a 1 wt.% aqueous solution when used as the selective layer of thin-film composite (TFC) pervaporation membranes. In this thesis, I investigated the application of these copolymer membranes towards the pervaporation of other binary and quaternary biofuel alcohol-water mixtures, e.g., isobutanol, ethanol, and acetone-butanol-ethanol at a variety of organic feed concentrations. Membranes were found to be most successful for the separation of n-butanol. Furthermore, membrane pervaporation performance was found to be comparable to that of commercial PDMS membranes across all alcohol types, thus proving the potential for high-Tg norbornene copolymers as next-generation pervaporation membranes.en_US
dc.format.extent63 pages*
dc.titleHydroxyhexafluoroisopropylnorbornene-Butylnorbornene Block and Random Copolymer Membranes For the Pervaporation of Alcohol Biofuelsen_US
dc.typePrinceton University Senior Theses-
pu.departmentChemical and Biological Engineeringen_US
Appears in Collections:Chemical and Biological Engineering, 1931-2020

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