Modern Languages, 1926-1958
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 461 to 480 of 867
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1941 | Sentons et Jugeons: A Study in the Criticism of Diderot and Lessing | Clark, William Hayward |
1941 | Schiller, The Poet of Liberty | Powers, II, Edward Joseph |
1932 | Satiric Comedy in France. Middle Ages to the French Revolution | Porter, George Whipple |
1933 | Satire in Voltaire and Swift | Moore, Malcolm Hay |
1933 | Saint-Evremond, His Life and Work | Alexander, Archibald Gillespie |
1934 | Saint Simona nd the Court of Versailles | Tiers, Lindley Welsh |
1931 | Saint Francis of Assisi | Toy, Horace Robert |
1935 | Saint - Simon and the Organization of Society | Harris, Edward |
1943 | Rousseau, An Individualist | Sloane, James Ross |
1927 | Rousseau's Romanticism | Stewart, Edward Sheldon |
1927 | Rousseau's Relations with Diderot | Harris, II, Albert Hall |
1939 | Rousseau and Eighteenth Century Naturalism | Thompson, David Scott |
1937 | Rousseau and (Bonte Naturelle) | Sayre, James Wilcox |
1943 | Romanticism in the Writings of Emile Zola, An Integration | Beattie, II, Roland Percival |
1932 | Romanticism in Balzac | Free, Joseph Paul |
1937 | Romanticism and Rebellion: A Study of the Lower Classes as Presented in the Novels of Emile Zola and Vincente Blasco Ibanez | Dubuque, Jr., Raymond Amadee |
1927 | Romanticism and Realism as Attitudes: and a Study of Some Novels of the Human Comedy of Balzac | Kemble, William |
1934 | Romantic Tendencies in the Eighteenth-century Novel | Gill, John Drum |
1929 | Romain Rolland and Thomas Mann, a Study of Their Fiction | Fisher, Jr., Frederick Schilling |
1953 | Rilke's World of "Die Dinge" in the "Neuen Gedichten" | Maull, Jr., Baldwin |
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 461 to 480 of 867