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Modern Languages, 1926-1958

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 461 to 480 of 867
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1941Sentons et Jugeons: A Study in the Criticism of Diderot and LessingClark, William Hayward
1941Schiller, The Poet of LibertyPowers, II, Edward Joseph
1932Satiric Comedy in France. Middle Ages to the French RevolutionPorter, George Whipple
1933Satire in Voltaire and SwiftMoore, Malcolm Hay
1933Saint-Evremond, His Life and WorkAlexander, Archibald Gillespie
1934Saint Simona nd the Court of VersaillesTiers, Lindley Welsh
1931Saint Francis of AssisiToy, Horace Robert
1935Saint - Simon and the Organization of SocietyHarris, Edward
1943Rousseau, An IndividualistSloane, James Ross
1927Rousseau's RomanticismStewart, Edward Sheldon
1927Rousseau's Relations with DiderotHarris, II, Albert Hall
1939Rousseau and Eighteenth Century NaturalismThompson, David Scott
1937Rousseau and (Bonte Naturelle)Sayre, James Wilcox
1943Romanticism in the Writings of Emile Zola, An IntegrationBeattie, II, Roland Percival
1932Romanticism in BalzacFree, Joseph Paul
1937Romanticism and Rebellion: A Study of the Lower Classes as Presented in the Novels of Emile Zola and Vincente Blasco IbanezDubuque, Jr., Raymond Amadee
1927Romanticism and Realism as Attitudes: and a Study of Some Novels of the Human Comedy of BalzacKemble, William
1934Romantic Tendencies in the Eighteenth-century NovelGill, John Drum
1929Romain Rolland and Thomas Mann, a Study of Their FictionFisher, Jr., Frederick Schilling
1953Rilke's World of "Die Dinge" in the "Neuen Gedichten"Maull, Jr., Baldwin
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 461 to 480 of 867