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Modern Languages, 1926-1958

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 401 to 420 of 867
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1958The Artistic Reality of Eduardo MalleaArmstrong, Robert Douglas
1952The Artistic Embodiment of Andre Gide's Philosophical and Literary Ideas in the Recit, the Sotie and the RomanClark, Robert Ottis
1951The Artistic Development of Giovanni VergaJones, Jr., Charles Maury
1939The Art Theater of Valle-InclanWaller, Julius Earll
1957The Art of Rufino TamayoMackenzie, Jr., Gordon Campbell
1938The Art for Art Theory in England and France and its DecadenceCawse-Morgon, Norman Ernest
1957The Art Criticism and Aesthetic Theories of StendhalDelafield, J. Dennis
1955The Argentine Gaucho in the Poem Martin FierroWebster, Thomas Clarkson Hunter
1948A Study of the Life and Works of Antonio FogazzaroLyons, John Patrick
1935A Study of the Ironical Elements in E.T.A. Hoffmann's Life in Relation to the "Fantasiestucke"Johnson, Lawrence Boardman
1952The Afrikaans LanguageHavell, Jr., George Frederick
1933The Abbe Prevost's Visit to EnglandAlexander, Alexander Laughlin
1928The Abbe Prevost and EnglandTappin, John Lindsley
1956A Study of the Evolutionary Conditioning of the Right and Left in FranceHowe, Robert Louis
1958A Study of the Enthusiasts in Russian Society, 1921 to 1933, as Reflected in Soviet LiteratureOber, Robert Fairchild
1928The "Philosophical" Element in Voltaire's DramaBacheller, John Smith
1932The "Contes" of VoltaireLipp, William Frederick
1939The "Comedies et Proverbs" of Alfred de MussetBrooks, Nathaniel John
1937Symbolism in Nineteenth Century FranceWheeler, II, George Yandes
1931Symbolism and Some Modern Spanish DramatistsCooke, Franklin Osborn
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 401 to 420 of 867