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Modern Languages, 1926-1958

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 867
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1939The Drama of Maurice MaeterlinckTerrie, Philip Gobson
1941The Drama of Alfred de Vigny and Alfred de MussetGorman, Jr., Frank Thorpe
1935The Development of the Psychological Novel of Revolt in Stendhal (Prefaced with a Short History of the Psychological Novel)Barrett, Jr., John Herbert
1949The Development of Realism in the German DramaSchleussner, Jr., Robert Clinton
1931The Development of French Tragedy from 1628-1636McCabe, Gibson
1940The Development of Deistic Ideas in Voltaire from 1694-1750Carper, David Bassel
1942The Development of Characters of Social and Political Revolt in the Dramas of SchillerMerrifield, Rogers McCutcheon
1927A Survey of the French Drama from Its Beginnings to 1850 with Special Emphasis on the Rise and Fall of the Romantic SchoolHunt, Leonard Gardiner
1938The Development of "Sensibilite" in France in the Eighteenth CenturyGlenn, Richard Murray Cunningham
1935The Development and Meaning of the Italian Short StoryCampagna, John Joseph
1937The Developing Conception of Tragedy in the Works of Kleist, Grillparzer and HebbelRoland, Joseph Morgan
1954The Desert and the SpringNicoson, William Jarvie
1949The Decadence of Spain, the Quijote and Its InterpretationWalshe, Robert Francis
1947The Dead and the LivingBernabei, Anthony Albert
1943The Critical Method of Sainte-BeuveKnox, Jr., Cornelius Van Santvoord
1930The Crisis of the Philosophic MovementVoorhees, Garret Coerte
1930The Court of Henry the Second of France and Some of the Influences which Gave Character to ItRobinson, Hamilton
1953The Controversy over American World War II Bases in PanamaQuinn, Marc
1933The Contribution of the Abbe Prevost to the French NovelVelde, Robert Whitsett Van de
1952The Contemporary Mexican TheatreSchumacher, Frederick Richmond
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 867