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Modern Languages, 1926-1958

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 241 to 260 of 867
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1941The Political and Literary Aspects of War in the Works of Rabelais.Stack, Edward MacGregor
1941The Poetry of Stuart MerrillPrince, Louis Morris
1929The Poetry of Sentiment from Saint-Lambert to LamartineColladay, David Clement
1937The Poetic School of LyonsCarroll, Charles
1955The Poetic Principles of Stephane MallarmeKern, George Michael
1940The Poetic Genius of Paul VerlaineBinns, Frederic Wolfe
1939The Plays of ChekhovTaradash, Edwin
1942The Picaresque Narration of the Spanish Sixteenth Century and the Crisis of Heroic IdealsThompson, Robert Prescott
1937The Philosophy of Richard Wagner as Reflected in His Music DramasSchneider, III, Henry
1930The Philosophy of RabelaisMills, Allen Apine
1931The Philosophy of RabelaisYerkes, Jr., Leonard Augustus
1953The Philosophy of Jose Ortega Y GassetColby, Jr., Benjamin; Paladino, Huh Robert
1933The Philosophy of Balzac and Hardy as Found in the Scenes de la Vie de Campagne and the Wessex NovelsChamberlain, Roswell Wilcox
1956The Phedre of Racine: An Analysis of the Play's ArtistryFried, Charles Anthony
1950The Peruvian Indian Problem as a Manifestation of Modern Peruvian LiteratureThompson, Hoyt Hayes
1944The Path of Culture in Santo DomingoBarletta, Jr., Amadeo Humberto
1954The Parliamentary Systems of the Weimar Republic and the Federal Republic of Western GermanyYost, Dudley DuRoss
1933The Paris of BalzacTorrey, William Ford
1935The Paradox of Beaumarchais in DramaRogers, John Henry Griesel
1953The Origins of the "Campesino" Literature of Costa RicaTaylor, Donald Rae
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 241 to 260 of 867