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Modern Languages, 1926-1958

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 867
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1932Voltaire and English InfluenceGoldsborough, Thomas Cadwallader
1928Voltaire and EnglandChristian, Stuart Beckwith
1929Voltaire and EnglandWilliams, Jr., Robert Martin
1954Voltaire and Censorship: A Study in the Traffic of IdeasReed, Gervais Eyer
1934Voltaire and "Contes Philosophiques"Watson, Harry Powell
1952Voltaire -- The HistorianBurr, Philip
1936Vitality and Determinism in Honore de BalzacMcKeon, George Alexander
1943Vigny, Poet and PhilosopherPechstein, Richard Fuller
1926Victor Hugo to 1822Gauss, Dante Christian
1929Victor Hugo before 1830Miller, McKnight
1943Victor Hugo as an Historical NovelistMiller, Lindley Agrrison
1933Victor Hugo as a Dramatist and Special Emphasis on the Main National and Foreign InfluencesAgnew, II, Andrew Gifford
1957Vercors: Spokesman for the French ConscienceWerth, Lewis Herndon
1954Variation on a Theme: A study of musical composition in modern Spanish LiteratureCordova, Jr., Jorge Luis
1939Valle-Inclan: The Aesthetic NovelistRichard, Trumbull
1953Valle - Inclan and MexicoWilliams, Jr., Reginald Victor
1927Use of Medievalism in German and French Romantic ProseGherardi, Harry Taylor
1944Underlying Principles of Dostoyevsky's Characterizations, Types and TreatmentPutnam, Peter Brock
1943UnamunoAlig, Wallace Baird
1931Two Social Worlds as Seen by Marcel Proust and Arthur SchnitzlerCootes, Merritt Newton
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 867