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Biology, 1925-1990

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 401 to 420 of 1857
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1971The Neighborhood Health Center: Potential for Reorganization of Health Care in AmericaEmpkie, Timothy M.
1943The Nature of Enzyme Inhibitions in Bacterial Growth: Sulfanilamide, Urethane and TemperatureAustin, Jr., Perry Gwynne More
1956The Nature of Blood CoagulationDeuel, Thomas Franklin
1925The Nature of Animal LightMyers, Walter K.
1937The Nature and Mechanism of the Effect of Thyroxine on Metabolism from the Standpoint of the CellBallentine, Robert George
1939The Natural History of the Caddis-Fly with Special Experiments upon the Case-Building of the LarvaMcClung, Robert Marshall
1979Adenylate Kinase in Chlamydomonas FlagellaGarmon, J. David
1955The Mutagenic Effect of Ultra-Violet Irradiation with Regard to the Luminosity of Photobacterium Phosphoreum and Achromobacter FischeriHopkins, Jr., Wilson McKinney
1968The Movement of Virus within the Host PlantKlimek, Jr., Joseph John
1982The Morphology, Physiology and Functional Organization of Intermediate Neurons in the Vertebrate RetinaMinzter, Ronald Marshall
1948The Morphology and Function of the Human KidneyLance, Edward Merriman
1947The Morphology and Embryology of the Mammalian Cranial NervesRevercomb, Jr., William Chapman
1933The Morphology and Development of the Eye in the VertebratesLynch, Donald Charles
1936The Morphogenesis of the Pharyngeal Derivatives in the Pig -- With Special Reference to the Thyroid GlandBrenizer, Jr., Addison Gorgas
1954The Morphogenesis and Histogenesis of the Thymus Gland with Special Reference to that of the MammalsCarr, Ronald Edward
1985The Molecular Basis of Sickling and the Formation of Irreversibly Sickled Cells in Sickle Cell AnemiaAlele, Suzanne Alero
1982Adaptive Patterns of Alloparental Behavior Exclusive of Kin - Selected ClassHarrisonn, Leslie
1983Adaptive Patterns in Marine VertebratesHolbrook, Helene Morison
1989Adaptive Behavior and Spatial RepresentationGillum, Benjamin Jesse
1961Adaptations of the CamelRifkin, Daniel B.
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 401 to 420 of 1857