Creative Writing Program, 1995-2020
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 305
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
3-Jul-2014 | Saltwater Sister (Short Novel) | Chen, Vivienne |
3-Jul-2014 | Dear Arthur (poetry) | Pannill, Bryan |
3-Jul-2014 | This City Will Always Pursue You
(Stories) | Japanwala, Natasha |
23-Aug-2013 | Spirit Wood | Merkens, Thomas |
23-Aug-2013 | January and Selected Stories by Sara Gallardo: A Translation from the Spanish | Hall, Audrey |
29-Jul-2013 | Night Tunnels | Brink, Maia ten |
29-Jul-2013 | Uncle Kite and Other Stories | Leong, Elaine |
29-Jul-2013 | They Stopped the Landslides | Cunningham, Flannery |
29-Jul-2013 | Young, Irreverent, and Ambitious | Barrett, Brian |
29-Jul-2013 | Bitter Herbs | Silberman, Eric |
29-Jul-2013 | We Sat Side by Side in the Dark | Shin, Anji |
29-Jul-2013 | The Hotel Trianon | Rusch, Phoebe |
29-Jul-2013 | Pachyderms and other Megafauna | Preston, Laura |
29-Jul-2013 | So That You Will Hear Me | Prastien, Lauren |
29-Jul-2013 | Before the Final Collision | Akerman, Lily |
29-Jul-2013 | It's Always Winter, Somewhere | Manohar, Mohit |
29-Jul-2013 | The Water and the Famished | Istrate, Ana |
29-Jul-2013 | Acceptable Behaviors | Hailer, Grant |
29-Jul-2013 | Is Always Living in a Dystopian Future | Gadsden, Richard |
15-Jul-2013 | LAME BACK AT HOME (Linked Stories) | Li, Lillian |
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 305