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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Feb-2018Nigeria: Stonewall Global Workplace Briefings-
2005Independent Mexico in newspapers, the 19th-century : guide to the microfilm set / compiled and edited by Adán Benavides and Agnes L. McAlester.Benavides, Adan
1988The Bayard Rustin papersRustin, Bayard; Dobrosky, Nanette; University Publications of America, Inc.
1987Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Argentina, 1950-1954 [microform] : internal affairs, decimal numbers 735, 835, and 935 and foreign affairs, decimal numbers 635 and 611.35 / [project coordinator, Gregory Murphy].Murphy, Gregory
Jul-2018Immigrant crime fighters : how the U Visa program makes US communities saferDarehshori, Sara
2005Documenting the Peruvian insurrection [microform].Gorriti Ellenbogen, Gustavo
1987Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Mexico. Internal affairs, 1945-1949 [microform] / [project coordinator, Gregory Murphy].Murphy, Gregory
1987Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Argentina, internal affairs, 1945-1949 [microform] / [project coordinator, Gregory Murphy].Murphy, Gregory
1975A Guide to Recessions, depressions, and economic panics in American history : collection of sources / a microfilm project of University Publications of America.University Publications of America, Inc
1983The papers of Carlos Montezuma, M.D. [microform] : including the papers of Maria Keller Montezuma Moore and the papers of Joseph W. Latimer / edited by John William Larner, Jr.Montezuma, Carlos