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dc.contributor.advisorWilcove, David Sen_US
dc.contributor.authorGiam, Xinglien_US
dc.contributor.otherEcology and Evolutionary Biology Departmenten_US
dc.description.abstractln Southeast Asia, biodiversity-rich forests are lost to logging, tree monocultures, and mining at an unprecedented rate. Impacts of these land-use changes are largely unknown for freshwater biodiversity. Here, I addressed questions pertinent to understanding impacts of land-use change on the region's unique and highly diverse freshwater ichthyofauna. In the first chapter, I examined possible ecological and life-history trait correlates of freshwater fish extinctions in Singapore, an example of a worst-case development scenario characterized by extensive deforestation and stream canalization. Unlike previous studies, extinctions were predicted by only local geographic range. This suggests that when streams are severely altered, local extinctions are driven by loss of entire communities, regardless of species traits. As wholesale forest loss threatens range-restricted species, the second chapter informs conservation planning for the highly endemic peat swamp forest fishes. I used the matrix-calibrated species-area model -- which accounts for the ability of different landcovers to support biodiversity -- to forecast extinction hotspots under different development scenarios. The establishment of oil palm monocultures is a major driver of lowland deforestation. However, no study has assessed the impact of oil palm on fishes, let alone potential mitigation strategies. In the third chapter, I sampled fish communities in streams within an oil palm plantation in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Compared to historical forest fish communities, streams surrounded by oil palm had lower species richness and functional diversity. However, retention of riparian reserves adjacent to streams mitigated these impacts. In my fourth chapter, I performed a meta-analysis to assess the effectiveness of riparian reserves in conserving biodiversity within production landscapes globally. My results supported retention of riparian reserves as a global conservation strategy as they retained a high proportion of species present in continuous riparian forests at both transect and landscape scales. Synthesizing these results, land-use change, particularly from forest to oil palm, negatively impacts fish communities in Southeast Asia. While peat forest conversion should be avoided as fishes inhabit the entire flooded landscape, land-sharing (between oil palm and forest riparian reserves) is effective in conserving lowland forest fishes in Southeast Asia, as well as many other taxa across different production landscapes globally.en_US
dc.publisherPrinceton, NJ : Princeton Universityen_US
dc.relation.isformatofThe Mudd Manuscript Library retains one bound copy of each dissertation. Search for these copies in the <a href=> library's main catalog </a>en_US
dc.subjectconservation planningen_US
dc.subjectextinction risken_US
dc.subjectoil palmen_US
dc.subjectriparian bufferen_US
dc.subject.classificationConservation biologyen_US
dc.titleImpacts of land-use change on freshwater biodiversity in Southeast Asiaen_US
dc.typeAcademic dissertations (Ph.D.)en_US
Appears in Collections:Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

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