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Princeton University Undergraduate Senior Theses, 1924-2020

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Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1701 to 1720 of 68801
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
25-Jul-2019An Introduction to the Mapping Class Group and Symplectic Floer HomologyLin, Michael
25-Jul-2019S3-pairs and Dehn surgery on knotsLevy, Ishan
25-Jul-2019On Fairness of Classification in Machine LearningKim, DoWon
25-Jul-2019Bounding Chromatic Numbers for Two Classes of Fork-Free GraphsKaufmann, Jenny
25-Jul-2019Continuous-Time Multireference Alignment with Applications to Cryo-EMHunt, Liam
25-Jul-2019The girth of digraphs and concatenating bipartite graphsHompe, Patrick
25-Jul-2019Designing a smarter online learning system for MAT 103: Calculus IHii, Joy
25-Jul-2019PReMVOS with ConvLSTM; Exploiting Recurrence for Video Object SegmentationHertan, Freddy
25-Jul-2019Diffusion Generators and Associated Inequalities for Powers of the Laplacian OperatorGranberg, Daniel
25-Jul-2019On admissible integers of cubic formsDiaconu, Simona
25-Jul-2019Efficiently Escaping Saddle Points on ManifoldsCriscitiello, Christopher
25-Jul-2019Integer points on complements of dual curves and on genus one modular curvesChen, Ryan
25-Jul-2019A survey of expansion in combinatorial graphsChan, Jonathan
25-Jul-2019Recovering Global Point Position from Incomplete Information for a Poisson Point Process in a 2-D BoxBocanu, Marius
25-Jul-2019Peering through Half-Shut Blinds: The Declassified History of CIA Intervention in Iran and Guatemala in the Early Cold WarChadwick, Lilly
25-Jul-2019Patriotism: An Inherent Quality or A Function of Environment? – A Look at the Boxer Indemnity Scholars’ SuccessOu, Audrey
25-Jul-2019Exegetical Encounters: Edward Pococke’s Bible and Seventeenth-Century OrientalismMoses, Nathaniel
25-Jul-2019The Discovery of Discretion: Indeterminacy, Executive Power, and the Criminal Prosecutor in Postwar Legal ThoughtPerelmuter, Ben
25-Jul-2019A Bundle of Sadness: Medicalization of Postpartum DepressionLinfield, Rachel
25-Jul-2019Invisible Cities: Photographic Historiography and the Archive as Artistic Practice after the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990)Bischoff, Christian
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1701 to 1720 of 68801