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Princeton University Undergraduate Senior Theses, 1924-2020

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Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1641 to 1660 of 68801
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
29-Jul-2019Optogenetic Inhibition of the Direct and Indirect Pathways of the Nucleus Accumbens Induces a Sensitivity Effect in a Memory-Based Virtual Navigation TaskHerman, Alison
29-Jul-2019Dressed to Impress: Shifting the Perceivable Competence and Threat Evaluations of African American MenGriffiths, Tyisha
29-Jul-2019The Effect of Recurrent Depressive Episodes on Cognitive Impairment in Bipolar DisorderFish, Alexander
26-Jul-2019Context-Dependent Memory Effects in Two Immersive Virtual Reality Environments: on Mars and UnderwaterDave, Riya
26-Jul-2019Distinct Cognitive Computational Strategies in the Visuomotor Rotation and Mirror Reversal TasksCraig, Stephen
26-Jul-2019The Neural Underpinnings of Learning During Joint Book ReadingCohen, Ariella
26-Jul-2019Different stimulus types and long-term plasticity in mouse primary visual cortexBhave, Varun
26-Jul-2019The Bioenergetics of Marmoset Vocal DevelopmentAlvarez, John
26-Jul-2019Observational Learning: Examining Behavioral Repertoires and the Effects of Genetics and Environmental EnrichmentAguiar, Patricia
26-Jul-2019Investigating Cognitive Control Adaptations to Different Reward EnvironmentsAgaron, Shamay
26-Jul-2019Human Adaptation to Demand for Cognitive Flexibility in a Three-Task EnvironmentAdetayo, Tolulope
26-Jul-2019Phase Transitions of Two-Dimensional Crystals in a Magnetic Field: Topological Perspectives on the Hofstadter ProblemHerzog-Arbeitman, Jonah
26-Jul-2019The Three Body Ising Model at Low TemperatureWolfgramm, Jack
26-Jul-2019Superconductivity and the Quantum Hall EffectVongkovit, Teerit
26-Jul-2019Modeling PFRC SOL with UEDGETaylor, Benjamin
26-Jul-2019Modelling, Fabrication and Characterisation of Twisted Bilayer Graphene DevicesShaw, Luke
26-Jul-2019Conformal Field Theories and the Analytic BootstrapSchoenfeld, Zachary
26-Jul-2019Dynamics of Protein Synthesis InitiationRousseau, Rebecca
26-Jul-2019Mathematical Models of Metabolism: Towards a Whole-Body Metabolic ModelReyes, Jorge
26-Jul-2019Milky-Way-like Galaxies with SIDM componentQin, Sunny
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1641 to 1660 of 68801