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Princeton University Undergraduate Senior Theses, 1924-2020

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Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1241 to 1260 of 68801
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
19-Aug-2019Exploring the Psychology Behind the STEM Gender Gap: Correlations Among Mindset, Math Anxiety, and Stereotypical Beliefs About WomenNotaras, Charlotte
19-Aug-2019Thinking About Weight: Growth vs Fixed Weight Mindsets in Perceptions of Overweight IndividualsMoise, Ced
19-Aug-2019Navigating Through the Noise: Infants’ Ability to Associate Language with SpeakerMarayati, Naoum Fares
19-Aug-2019Rehumanizing the Dehumanized: How Human and Canine Companions Affect Perceptions of Homeless PeopleMaitlin, Carly
19-Aug-2019Charting Running Experience, Running Form, and Inhibitory Control: A Physiological and Cognitive Analysis of Autistic and non-Autistic RunnersLang, Kyle
19-Aug-2019Drivers of Environmental Decision Making In the Case of Electric Vehicles: The Role of Mindset in Guiding AttitudesJohnson, Will
19-Aug-2019The Fun Is Worth the Fine: Or Is It? An Analytical Dive into How Ethnicities Affect Economic Decisions in the Ultimatum GameInoue, Andrew
19-Aug-2019Vicarious Dissonance and the Role of the SpeakerHoluba, Kurt
19-Aug-2019Mossy Fibers from Adult-generated Neurons in the Dentate Gyrus More Frequently Contact Hilar Interneurons Surrounded by Intense Perineuronal NetsHaye, Amanda
19-Aug-2019Contextualizing the Cross-Situational Word Learning TaskFriscia, Sonia Ann
19-Aug-2019The Impact of Mode of Notetaking, Sleep, and Studying on Test PerformanceFonner, Ariel
19-Aug-2019The Role of Language Transfer: Spanish Speaking Children’s Success in Artificial Language ProductionEsqueda, Ana Patricia
19-Aug-2019When the Beat Drops: How Tempo Variation Influences Attention and Working MemoryChen, Stephen
19-Aug-2019Exploring Green Nudges: Using Local Group Identity to Reduce Beef Consumption on CampusBlevins, Rebecca
19-Aug-2019Moral Disengagement in the Army: The Soldier's Creed and its Effect on ROTC Cadets, the Future Leaders of the ArmyBlaska, Mikayla
19-Aug-2019Buck Up, Buttercup: How Prior Exposure to Mentally Ill Individuals Impacts Mental Illness Origin BeliefsBellamy, Jean
19-Aug-2019Two Degree of Freedom Motion Simulator Design, Fabrication, and AnalysisLoprete, Larry
19-Aug-2019A Study of Flow Separation in Micro and Milli-ChannelsBaskaran, Mrudhula
19-Aug-2019Phosphor Crystal Materials: A Design of an Anti-Counterfeiting FeatureJamiyanaa, Suren
19-Aug-2019Vertical Axis Wind Turbines: Analysis of Experimental Data at Full Dynamic SimilarityIrigoyen-Lopez, Teresa
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1241 to 1260 of 68801