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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1984The Implications with Respect to Burkitt's Lymphoma of the Ability of Malarially Infected Erythrocytes (Plasmodium Falciparum) to Increase the Sister Chromatid Exchange Level of Co-Cultured Chinese Hamster Ovary CellsRyan, Edward Thomas
1979The Herpes Simplex Virus-1 Thymidine Kinase Gene: Its Transfer to Mouse Cells and Preliminary Molecular Biological CharacterizationSchlissel, Mark Steven
1979The High Mobility Group Proteins from Calf Thymus and Chick Erythrocytes and the NHCPS from Drosophila MelanogasterHsieh, Margaret Ann
1972The Importance of Play Behavior to the Proper Development of Young MammalsPotts, III, Joseph McKean
1981The Identification of a CDNA Clone for a Cytoplasmic Actin in Bovine Retinal CellsHsu, Victor Wee
1983The Identification of a U1 sn RNA Clone in Drosophila MelanogasterKrall, Mark Helene
1984Gp80, a Developmentally Regulated Membrane Glycoprotein Involved in the EDA-Resistant Adhesion of Dictyostelium Discoideum, is Structurally Related to Another Membrane GlycoproteinKetchum, Andrew Scott
1984Gp80, a Developmentally Regulated Membrane Glyco-protein Involved in the EDTA-Resistant Adhesion of Dictyostelium Discoideum, is Structurally Related to Another Membrane GlycoproteinMao, Constance
1990Grass and Grazing: A Study of Diet Choice Manipulation, Grazing Strategies, and Differential Grazing Success for Island Feral Horses (Equus caballus)Stewart, Laurence
1985Gonadal Sex Differentiation in Drosophila Melanogaster. Pole Cell Number Differences between Male and Female Embryos during Late EmbryogenesisMartiney, James A.