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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2016Linear gyrokinetic simulations of microinstabilities within the pedestal region of H-mode NSTX discharges in a highly shaped geometryCoury, M.; Guttenfelder, W.; Mikkelsen, D.; Canik, J.; Canal, G.; Diallo, A.; Kaye, S.; Kramer, G.; Maingi, R.
Dec-2017ELM-free and inter-ELM divertor heat flux broadening induced by Edge Harmonics Oscillation in NSTXGan, K.; Ahn, J.-W.; Gray, T.K.; Zweben, S.J.; Fredrickson, E.D.; Scotti, F.; Maingi, R.; Park, J.-K.; Canal, G.P.; Soukhanovskii, V.A.; McLean, A.G.; Wirth, B.D.
Jul-2018Blob-hole correlation model for edge turbulence and comparisons with NSTX GPI dataMyra, J.R.; Zweben, S.J.; Russell, D.A.
Sep-2017Two-dimensional turbulence cross-correlation functions in the edge of NSTXZweben, S.J.; Stotler, D.P.; Scotti, F.; Myra, J.R.
Nov-2017Density perturbation mode structure of high frequency compressional and global Alfvén eigenmodes in the National Spherical Torus Experiment using a novel reflectometer analysis techniqueCrocker, N.A.; Kubota, S.; Peebles, W.A.; Rhodes, T.L.; Fredrickson, E.D.; Belova, E.; Diallo, A.; LeBlanc, B.P.; Sabbagh, S.A.
Oct-2017A multi-machine scaling of halo current rotationMyers, C.E.; Eidietis, N.W.; Gerasimov, S.N.; Gerhardt, S.Pl.; Granetz, R.S.; Hender, T.C.; Pautasso, G.
Feb-2018Electron-density-sensitive Line Ratios of Fe XIII--XVI from Laboratory Sources Compared to CHIANTIWeller, M.E.; Beiersdorfer, P.; Soukhanovskii, V.A.; Scotti, F.; LeBlanc, B.P.
Dec-2016Collisional dependence of Alfven mode saturation in tokamaksZhou, M.; White, R.
Dec-2019Machine Learning Characterization of Alfvénic and Sub-Alfvénic Chirping and Correlation With Fast-Ion Loss at NSTXWoods, B. J. Q.; Duarte, V. N.; Fredrickson, E. D.; Gorelenkov, N. N.; Podestà, M.; Vann, R. G. L.
Jan-2019Study of the impact of pre- and real-time deposition of lithium on plasma performance on NSTXCanal, G.P.; Maingi, R.; Evans, T.E.; Kaye, S.M.; Mansfield, D.K.