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Chemistry, 1926-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 421 to 440 of 1873
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1940The Synthesis of Four PhthalocyaninesKamentzky, M. L.
1951The Synthesis of Cyclic HexamethylenethioureaGriffin, Jr., Claibourne E.
2006The Synthesis of Clofilium Analogs and Examination of their Antiproliferative EffectsChi, Amanda Chao-Yu
1949Alkyd ResinsStanton, Warren B.
1971The Synthesis of 8-Methylnona-2 (trans): 7-Diene-1-ol for Use in Studies of Polyolefin CyclizationsUrquhart, David L.
1952The Synthesis of 6-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-3, 4-Dimethyl-2-Cyclohexene-1-One [Missing]Fine, John B.
2012The Synthesis and Testing of Novel Nicotinate Mononucleotide Adenylyltransferase Inhibitors in Plasmodium falciparumKerwin, Lewis Joseph
1998The Synthesis and Study of 3-PhenylcyclobutylideneFeakins, Toffie
1967The Synthesis and Solvolysis of Para - Bishomocubyl TosylateBrown, Stephen Foljambe
1959The Synthesis and Solvolysis of 4:4 Gem Dimethyl 7-dehydro Cholesterol p-Toluenesulfonate and Related CompoundsHeller, Christopher J.
1966The Synthesis and Photochemical Conversion to Bullvalene of Bicyclo (6.20) Deca - 2,4,6,9 - TeraeneScott, Lawrence T.
2012Alkanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers as Antioxidative Coatings for a Bio-Inspired Hydrogen-Producing Catalyst: A Molecular Dynamics StudyWaring, Olivia Mae
1993The Synthesis and ESR Spectroscopy of m-CarboranylcarbenesColella, Stacey Marvel
1999The Synthesis and Coordination Chemistry of Polyphenoxide Chelating LigandsDucruet, Andrew F.
1999The Synthesis and Characterization of Ferric Amide and Imide ComplexesNazif, Tamim
1950The Syntheses of Di- and Tetranormal Butyl Titinates and Ester Interchange with These Compounds [Missing 1976]Armitage, James David
1943The Swelling and Solubility of Natural and Synthetic RubberMiller, Robert A.
1943The Surface Tension of Hydrocarbons and its Correlation with TemperatureAndrews, Jr., Rodney D.
1964The Study of Ovalbumin Conformations by Rotatory Dispersion Analysis During Denaturation by Urea in Acid SolutionDowhan, Jr., William
1936The Study of Modern Soap [Missing: 1949]Cahill, J. Clark
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 421 to 440 of 1873