Chemistry, 1926-2020
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 301 to 320 of 1873
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1940 | An Analytical Investigation of Chlorophyll in its Natural State | Duane, Jr., Richard B. |
1976 | An Analysis of the Market for Physicians Services [Missing - 1976] | Ahstrom, James David |
1997 | An Analysis of Gas Phase Interactions in Collision Induced Dissociation and the Subsequent Use of These Interactions to Model Ion/Surface Reactions that Occur in Surface Induced Dissociation | Flynn, Julie Connelly |
1935 | X-Ray Scattering by Gases | Rollins, Frank S. |
1940 | An Aetiological Study of Drug Addiction | Dixon, W. T. |
1940 | Widmanstatten Structure and the Crystallographic Planes | Morris, Kenneth A. |
2001 | Where's all this Toluene Coming From? "Dearomatizized" Insertion of Methylene into the C-H Bonds of Benzene | Chadeayne, Andrew Roberts |
2000 | Amyloid Fibril Formation of De Novo Beta-Sheet Proteins from Designed Combinatorial Libraries | Mancias, Joseph D. |
1995 | Amorphous Silicon for Solar Cell Applications: Improving Cell Efficiency | Jakubowski, Marcin |
1977 | What is the Difference between the Muscle of an Athlete and the Muscle of a Non-Athlete? | McShane, Maryellen Teresa |
1948 | Amino Acid Analysis | Wagner, Arthur F. |
1948 | Wetting Agents, Old and New | Apter, A.S. |
1998 | Wave Packet Manipulation through Tracking Control | Smit, Martina |
1966 | Walsh's Rules and Quantitative Molecular Orbital Calculations [Missing - 1978] | Buenker, R. |
1998 | Waiting for New Drugs and Vaccines: Alternative Malaria Control Interventions in India | Man, Li-Xing |
1969 | Volume Change Studies: The Extended Cross Square Rule and Structural Similarity in Tetrabutylammonium Bromide and Di-Tetrabutylammonium Bromide Solutions | Fletcher, Robert B. |
1994 | Voltage Clamp Studies of the Bilayer Interactions of Glycosylated Cholic Acid Derivatives | Murnick, Jonathan G. |
1938 | Vitamin E | Rowe, James Lincoln |
1945 | Vitamin D, a Survey of Present Knowledge | West, Robert |
1938 | Vitamin C | Kunkel, Henry George |
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 301 to 320 of 1873