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Religion, 1946-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 1395
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10-Jul-2015Covenant Reformed: Milton on Preserving the Goods of Marriage and GovernmentLaurenzi, Isabelle A.
1980Blake's PastoralsKuntze, Christopher Donald
1990Black Theology and Consciousness: Models of Conversion in African-AmericaNorris, Wendy Ilene
2010Black Social Gospel Rising: A Study of the Lives and Ministries of Two Pastors in Atlanta, GeorgiaQuiros, Courtney
1997Black Gods Sometimes Ride White Horses: An Introduction to White American Women Who Practise West-African Based Religions (a.k.a. Traditional Yoruba Religion, Voudou, Santeria, and Candomble)Heitzmann, Elizabeth Eden
1970Billy Graham and the American Evangelical TraditionBatchelor, John Calvin
2003Biblical, Controversial, and Contestable: A Constructive Evangelical Feminist Critique of the Promise Keepers' Pro-Family ValuesTeichner, Lauren Ayres
1998Beyond the Rivers of Cush: Beta Israel Origins ReconsideredGunsher, Joshua L. G.
2012Beyond the Fast: Perspectives on Ramadan in MoroccoAzzolino, Alexandra
2007Beyond Disability: Re-Thinking the Spiritual Potential of Individuals with Down SyndromeRomeiser, Lillie
2009Beyond Blood and Creed: A New Perspective on Children of Interfaith MarriageNyquist, Rebecca L.
1993Beyond and Yet Within: Exploring the Legitimate Other in Islam and JudaismUkeles, Raquel Margalit
1980Beware of the Dragon: The Theology of Flannery O'ConnorBoles, Douglas Luce
1998"Be Still and Know That I Am God": The Historical and Religious Acculturation of Harbour IslandWoolley, Hunter Baynard
1989Beta Israel: A House DividedFox, Mara Rebecca
1964Berdyaev's Conception of Beauty and its Role in Art and EschatologyStevenson, Jr., Frederick Wilkerson
1993Benevolent Infanticide: Morality, Decision-Making, and Existential AngstKahn, Daniel E.
1968Being Through LoveDuer, Johnson Poe
1966Being in freedom - An Examination of Kierkegaard's Ontology of the SelfMcMahon, Jeffrey Hill
1992Being in Between: The Role of Negativity in Heidegger, Levinas and DerridaKavka, Martin
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 1395