Religion, 1946-2020
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 1395
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1968 | Unamuno and the Tragic Sense of Life | Votichenko, Michael Alexander |
1959 | Unamuno | Goldsmith, Dale Campbell |
1991 | American Histories of the New Christian Right: An Analysis of the New Christian Right (Four Accounts) | Hagar, Paul S |
1991 | Two Essays Having Something To Do with Friendship | Shea, Robert J |
1980 | Two Approaches to the Labyrinth | Pawlowski, Joanne |
1981 | Twentieth Century Religious Architecture in America: A History of Radical Change | Maxwell, Madeline Anne |
2005 | Tupac Shakur: Artistic Public Intellectual and Outlaw | Carrasco, Octavio P. |
2006 | Truth, Power, and Coherence: Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes and the Theology of Law | Golubcow-Teglasi, Jeremy |
1986 | True Sanity: An Exploration of Mental Illness and Religious Experience | Greenberg, Daniel L. |
1981 | Trouble in the Colonies: Covenant Theology, Source and Solution 1620-1670 | Lewis, Jr., Robert Reese |
2007 | Trials Before Man, Justice Before God: The Role of Religious Ethics in the Prosecution and Punishment of War Criminals | Perlin, Jonah |
2011 | Translating Doctrine into Practice: The Action-Based Spirituality of the Catholic Worker | Chia, Kok-Hou |
2004 | American Catholicism through the eyes of its Chicano believers: A Liberation Theology without Political Activism | De La Fuente, Zaraelia |
1985 | Transformation: An Examination of the EST Training | Kirschner, Rebecca |
1975 | Transformation in Response: A Study of Virtue and the Christian Vision | Werpehowski, William Joseph |
1990 | Transcendence in American Society | Forney, Priscilla Jean |
1999 | Traditional Chinese Termple Architecture in Singapore | Allen, Monique, S. |
1990 | Tradition, Transformation, and Thought: A Critical Analysis of the Philosophy of Ludwik Fleck | Cohen, Daniel Jared |
2004 | Tradition for a Change: American Catholicism in the Aftermath of Crisis | Kurz, Natalie |
1967 | Tradition and Innovation: An Investigation into the Source and Purpose of the Vedanta of Sankara as Shown in His Commentary on the Vedanta Sutras of Badarayana | Buxton, Louis Phillips |
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 1395