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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
3-Aug-2018Reading Between the Lines: Zebra stripes’ Adaptive Function in Anti-Parasite Defenses and ThermoregulationReisinger, Lily
3-Aug-2018Investigating Olfactory Preferences in Aedes aegypti aegypti and Aedes aegypti formosus through Olfactometer Trials: A Display of Different Preferences for Individual Human Odors across Mosquito SubspeciesMihalopoulos, Meredith
1-Aug-2018An Integrated Approach to Evaluating the Patterns and Impacts of Vaccine Confidence on Meningitis Dynamics in Nigeria and the UKMenkir, Tigist
1-Aug-2018An Epidemiological Assessment of the Risk of Fatal Motor Vehicle Collisions with Benzodiazepine Use in South KoreaChae, Ricky
1-Aug-2018THINK BEYOND PINK: An Epidemiological Assessment of Breast Cancer Risk and Survivorship in Jamaica, Ghana, and the United StatesMoffett, Kayla
1-Aug-2018Applying Next-Generation Sequencing to the Genetics and Ecology of Rhodnius Pallescens, A Vector of Chagas DiseaseBermudez, Francisca
3-Aug-2018The Protein Leverage Hypothesis & The Plausibility of Commercial Weight Loss DietsDeJesus, Emely
3-May-2017Black and White and Spread All Over: The Role of Environmental Variation on Patterns of Sociality in Plain's and Grevy's ZebrasSeng, Monica
24-Apr-2017Chagas disease ecology in Trinidad: Trypanosoma cruzi infection status and bloodmeal analysis of triatomine bugs on an island considered free of vector-borne transmissionEakes, Alexandra
23-Apr-2017Calling the Shots: Impacts of Maternal Knowledge and Attitudes on Vaccination Status and Vaccine Hesitancy in IndiaLi, Siyao Lisa