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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
25-Sep-2020Gastrointestinal parasite community structure in Procyon lotor: relationships to demographic variables, host condition, and immune responseLange, Suzanne
25-Sep-2020What's for Dinner?: A genetic analysis of host preference variation in Culex pipiens mosquitoesColon, Alexandra
25-Sep-2020The Relationship Between Urbanization and White Blood Cell Count: A Case Study of the Turkana People of KenyaChen, Anthony
25-Sep-2020Anthropogenic influence on the behavior, tree usage, and home range of Coquerel’s sifaka (Propithecus coquereli) in northwestern MadagascarBlock-Funkhouser, Devon
25-Sep-2020The Effects of Climate Change on Plant Pathogen Epidemiology: Melampsora Lini as a Tractable Model for Within-Host Pathogen SpreadBrownell, McKenna
25-Sep-2020The Bird Man of Guyot Hall and His Journals: A Statistical Analysis of Regional Bird Diversity in the Early 20th CenturyKruse, Annika
25-Sep-2020A Changing Landscape of Fear within Gorongosa National Park: Differential Restfulness of Bushbuck (Tragelaphus sylvaticus) Before and After Carnivore ReintroductionLunking, Vienna
25-Sep-2020Effects of Predation Risk on the Group Size of an Asocial Ungulate in Gorongosa National ParkNeatby, Stephanie
25-Sep-2020The Butterfly Effect: Investigating the Impact of Tourism on an Endangered Butterfly in the White Mountains of New HampshireMuir, Molly
25-Sep-2020Investigating Broad-tailed Hummingbird (\textit{Selasphorus platycercus}) Foraging Behavior in the Rocky Mountains, with Links to Climate ChangeMorokhovich, Cole