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Anthropology, 1961-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 961
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1992"The Only Medicine We Have" AIDS and the Creolization of Medicine in GuadeloupeDubois, Laurent
1966An Analysis of Factors Effecting The Individual's Perceptions of White Collar CrimeClendenin, Robert Charles
1976An Analysis of Conflict in Northern IslandHanrahan, Thomas Damian
2009“It’s Not Perfect But It’s Home”: Returnees in Ghanaian SocietyAmobi, Adaugo
2010“In the Secrecy of Sisterhood”: Women Blessing and Healing in MormonismBatschi, Carey Grace
2008Zoning Health: Obesity, Fast Food, and Resident Perspectives on a Local Struggle for a Healthy South Los AngelesBelayneh, Rebekah
1992Young African-American Males: Another Fierce People?Weaver, Jr., John F.
2002You Are What You Eat: Food And Morality in Modern American CultureGreen, Courtenay A.
1988Written in Stone: The Textual Activities of ArchaeologyMcKenna, William Burke
1997Writing Irish women: An Approach to Family and Individualism Through Marina Carr's The MaiCallaghan, Megan
1966Working Women: A Study of Class Value Changes in Employment SituationsAdam, John Frederick
1992Workers Not Servants: Empowerment and Discourse in a Center for Domestic Workers in Cuernavaca, MexicoLewis, Paige
2002work in progressRhoades, Jessica G
2011Women, Birth, and Cesarean Section in Modern ChinaTao, Joy
1996Women's Tales: The Relationship Ideal in Women's MagazinesLow, Bronwyn Elizabeth
1996Women's Rights in Muslim Countries as Interpreted Through Text and ExperienceDuarte, Yvonne M.
1994Women and the Pursuit of Perfection: Body Image and Eating Disorders in a Competitive Consumer Capitalist CultureYoungs, Christine Marie
1984Women and Social Structure: A Cross Cultural Study of Female Solidarity and SeparationRapperport, Rachel
1991Women and Depression: A Sex Role Theory across CulturesWells, Rebecca G
1993Witchcraft and the Crafting of ExperienceChang, Emmeline Shiu
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 961