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Civil Engineering and Operations Research, 1931-2000

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 1195
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1988The Robust Comparison of Biological Shapes Using the Repeated Median AlgorithmMacaleer, Stephen Andrew
1990The Risk Assessment and Management of the Transportation of Hazardous MaterialsApy, Dean Walton
1990The Rising Trend of Cesarean Birth RatesDow, Todd Andrew
1976Air Hologram Instrumentation and ProductionBeazley, Peter Kowning
1988The Rise and Fall of the Thin Concrete Shell in AmericaLevine, Adam S.
1988The Response of Long Span Structures to Spatial Variation in Ground MotionZoli, III, Theodre Peter
1934The Resistance of Flat Circular Plates Moved through WaterSaint, Frederick G.
1992The Reliability of Simulated Contamination Estimates in Groundwater Remediation System DesignPelletier, Jason
1997The Relative Impact of Fertilizers From Springdale Golf Course on the Lake Carnegie SystemOstrander, Gregory
1980The Relation of Fuel Cetane Number and Sooting in Automotive Diesel EnginesRosen, Howard Alan
1984The Rejection of Collective Bargaining Agreements by Chapter 11 Debtors: Issues and EquitiesTinsman, Garrett Dunbar
1976The Reinforced - Concrete Arch Bridge 1920-1940Hauck, Neil Tod
1978The Regulation of Odor Pollution: Analysis and RecommendationsStauffer, Richard Alan
1979The Rationalization and Restructuring of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad CompanyJohnson, Robert Emerson Lambson
1996The Rapidan Storm of June 27, 1995 in Madison County, Virginia: Simulation of Catastrophic Rainfall and Application to Landslide AssessmentZepeda, Carley
1999The Quality of New York City's Water as Defined by the Watershed Memorandum of AgreementKellman, Heather
1997The Quadrilateral Dome: A New Shape for ShellsGoodrich, Andrew
1978The Probability Distribution of Stock Price ChangesSosne, Marshall Alan
1987The Privatization of British Airways: Profits, Productivity and RegulationConnelly, Mark Gavin
1979The Princeton Solar Greenhouse: A Dynamic, Analytic Model of Passive Solar Heating in a Direct - Gain SpaceBraham, III, William Walter
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 1195