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Slavic Languages and Literature, 1962-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 250
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1978Perspective on United States - Soviet Trade in the Seventies: Political and Economic AspectsFlickinger, Barbara Joan
2001Perpetual Struggle: Translation as Metaphor for the Political and Cultural Relations of the Soviet Union and the United States, 1955-1959Fishman, Boris
1989Perestroika and the Prague Spring: The Art of Political ReformWilliams, Kieran D.
1986Parasitism in the Soviet UnionHill, Twanna LaTrice
1967Otlitel'nye Osobennosti Gogolkaskikh Povesti [MISSING]Compte, Andrew Clare Le
2010Orange Hangover in a DVD FormShpolberg, Maria
2010One Face, Many Voices: Understanding the Diaspora Identity of Post-Soviet KoreansKim, Janet Hyungjung
2009On Stiob and Mythopoeia in V.O. Pelevin's FictionKumar, Anant
1978Olga AlekseyevnaHarper, Lizette
1978Old Church Slavonic the Written WorkRuch, Rondi Frances
1973Obshchezhitie No. 6Semmler, Cynthia Marilyn
1971Nineteenth-Century Russian Lyric Poetry in TranslationBeitrusten, Reid Alan
1975Nikolaj Gogol's "Diary of a Madman" A Translation and CommentaryAsche, Laurie Ann
1989Nikolai Gogol's "Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends" and The Alienation of Vissarion BelinskyBeveridge, Albert J.
1975Nicholas Evreinov: The Struggle for ExpressionMiller, Jenkins Dickinson
1988Nazi - Soviet Relations and the Soviet Press, 1936-1941Grimes, Richard J.
1972Nature in the Works of I.S. TurgenevNovakova, Helena
1977Naturalness and the Syllable: An Approach to Vowel-Zero Alternations in RussianFranks, Steven Laurence
1978NabokovWoll, Robert
1970N.A. Rozhkov, 1868-1927Farnbach, George Carl
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 250