Browsing by Academic Advisor Katz, Philip Mark
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Class Year | Author(s) | Title | Advisor |
1995 | Clark, Timothy Kieran | Combat or Cooperation? Comparing Northern Cheyenne and Crow Strategies | Katz, Philip Mark |
1995 | Maiberger, Michele Porter | Conflict and Reconciliation: The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland in the Civil War | Katz, Philip Mark |
1995 | Freeth, Timothy D. | In the Wake of Harper's Ferry: An Analysis of Reactions to John Brown's 1859 Raid | Katz, Philip Mark |
1995 | Lemons, Robert J. | Return to Africa: Alexander Crummell, Martin Robison Delany, and Henry Highland Garnet in the 1850s | Katz, Philip Mark |
1995 | Thompson, Mark Lloyd | "These Crouds of Foreigners": Ethnic Politics in Southeastern Pennsylvania in the Eighteenth Century | Katz, Philip Mark |
1995 | Hamilton, Robert Lloyd Ross | Weapons and Words Unorthodox Tactics and Philosophies of General George Crook | Katz, Philip Mark |