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Browsing by Academic Advisor Flower, Harriet

Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Class YearAuthor(s)TitleAdvisor
2009Hammer, Stephen J.AD NOV AM ROMANITATEM: The Ideology of Cato The YoungerFlower, Harriet
2008Adam, Nicholas J.Caesar's Invasion of Italy, January 11th to March 17th, 49 BCEFlower, Harriet
2009Lin, John M.Caesar’s War, Caesar’s Peace: Dignitas, Civil War, and the Evolution of PeaceFlower, Harriet
2006Matthews, ErinCommunity and Individual: Communication in Early Christian ChurchesFlower, Harriet
-Tobin, Carolyn HartleCutthroats and Profiteers: The Beneficiaries of Sulla in Roman ItalyFlower, Harriet
2018Haynes, JamesThe Eagle, the Dragon, and the Cross: Christianity in the Ancient Roman Empire and Christianity in Contemporary ChinaFlower, Harriet
2013Bark, Brandon D.“Hermann”-eutics: Reading a RevoltFlower, Harriet
2014Morris, Kasey T.JULIO-CLAUDIAN EXILIUM AD INSULAMFlower, Harriet
2006Padilla Peralta, Dan-ElLessons In Roman Epigraphy: Princeton University's Lateran EpitaphsFlower, Harriet
2006Somerville, Emily PaigeModern Fact and Ancient Fiction: Historical Misrepresentation & American Themes in Ridley Scott's GladiatorFlower, Harriet
2005Andrews, Margaret M.Prominence in Pompeii: Politics, Society, and the Gens PopidiaFlower, Harriet
2005Bannard, Preston JohnsProvinciae and Power: A Study of Provinciae and the Provincial System in Republican RomeFlower, Harriet
2011Foley, Nadirah FarahReconstructing Roman Religion: Haitian Vodou as the Means to a New Comparative PerspectiveFlower, Harriet
2008Cox, Nicholas P.The Republican War : Rome's Idealistic Foreign Policy VentureFlower, Harriet
2016Tsapralis, Ariana N.A Southern Cornelia? A Critique of the Comparison of Cornelia Mother of the Gracchi and the Antebellum Plantation MatronFlower, Harriet
2020Zymeri, JeffSt. Augustine and the Roman Institution of Slavery: A Phenomenological Look at a Project of Legitimation and ReformFlower, Harriet